Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Local caught spider.

I'm not sure what species it is. Been in captivity for 1 month plus now.
2010-03-21 brunei spider 01

Monday, March 22, 2010

Happy 1 year old to last year babies cornsnakes.

So what ever happen to those baby corns borns, last year..

Last year in 2009.

Recent picture, taken in March-2010. Anery Cornsnake, last weighted at 248-grams.
2010-03 Anery-09' 01

Again, baby Ghost corn last year in 2009.

Now, a year later... Ghost Cornsnake. Last weight at 278-grams.
2010-03 Ghost-09' 01

The Motley last year in 2009.

Motley Cornsnake, now in 2010. Last weighted at 247-grams.
2010-03 Motley-09' 01

Some of the reader as how does a clear belly looks. Here's a Motley's clear belly.
2010-03 Motley-09' 03

To see how small there were, way last year in 2009, also in March.
Click here --> http://edpets.blogspot.com/2009/03/so-what-baby-corns-did-viper76-get.html

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Some new baby snakes (Cornsnake)

So here are some cuties, who were recently born in Brunei.

These pictures are from Viper76.

Below is a clutch between an Amel X Anery. The off springs are Normals, Amels, Anerys & a Snow.

Here are some under my care.
Amel Cornsnake. Amelanistic, Albino, Red Albino are its other common names.
Why is it call an Amel? Amelanism is where when the black/brown/grey pigment is absent. Areas where black would normally appear will be white, yellow or pink. Amel can easily be identify by their red/pink eyes. Another way to spot an Amel is by checking its belly, it will be checkered with flesh color + shade of yellow/orange/red.
2010-03 Amel-10' 02

Below is an Anery Cornsnake. Anerythristic or Black Albino are its common name.
An Anery takes away the red & orange color, leaving the blacks, grey & browns. The belly is a nice black & white checkered pattern.
2010-03 Anery-10' 02

Here is a clutch between an Amel Stripe X Anery Motley. The babies are Amel Motley, Striped & Motley.

Below is a Motley Cornsnake.
A Motley is easily distinguish by its dorsal patterns. You can see the difference between the amels & anerys, that the pattern is different. You can also spot a Motley by its belly, they got a clear belly.
2010-03 Motley-10' 01
Do check out our own Brunei Exotic Pets Forum. Check it out at:

Monday, March 1, 2010

Exoterra Glass Terrarium.(PT2600).

Exoterra Glass Terrarium PT2600.
Measurement: 12'L x 12'W x 12'H.
For Sale, BND$40.
~SOLD as of 27-April-2010~
Thanks to buyer